Monday 2 June 2014

Wrong start for me.

I wake up like any other ordinary day only to realize am already 5 minutes late for work. Being a Monday I am full of the weekend hangovers and can barely open my eyes as I get out of bed. This is the worst way to start a day and even the week. In a frantic frenzy I begin to prepare myself for the mammoth task ahead. Donned complete in a suit I and a tie I head off to work hurriedly only to remember I have not taken breakfast at the office gate. Generally the compound is silent and there is little activity. I am surprised because the office is always a buzz of activities and I wonder why the today is different. I slowly walk to the office to meet with my supervisor an d report for duty. On my way in everyone stares at me heavily, I can almost feel their eyes pierce my skin. This is odd for I have walked into this office almost daily for the last one month without the stares. I brush that of as I concentrate on the work ahead. I expect to meet one of my clients who I had given an appointment for the morning. The supervisor, a soft spoken and funny character, ushers me into his office and after the casual greeting we head straight to business. I ask to see my client at this statement he laughs out loud and starts making a joke "kwani wewe unaishi Kenya gain"(which country do u live) I innocently ask why only for him to laugh harder pointing it to me that it's a public holiday and there's no work today. In dismay and disappointment I laugh at my ignorance making the situation funnier. After a short conversation I live the office and head home. I kick off the week on the wrong the foot and I hope to align my self to the week as it progresses.